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Top 10 Tips to Traveling Solo

Top 10 Tips to Traveling Solo

Top 10 Tips to Traveling Solo: Single Mom

Traveling solo can be an exhilarating and transformative experience, allowing you the freedom to explore the world at your own pace, meet new people, and learn about yourself in ways you might never have imagined. Whether you're planning your first solo adventure or are a seasoned lone traveler, these top 10 tips will help ensure your journey is both enjoyable and safe. I have always had the travel bug and always took the trip. After my divorce I embraced the solo travel life even more! I felt more comfortable in taking risks and just saying yes let’s do this! You can read all about my solo adventure to Edinburgh HERE.

  1. Plan Ahead, But Stay Flexible - Research your destination thoroughly before you go. Know the must-see sights, local customs, and basic phrases in the local language. However, don’t over-plan. Part of the joy of solo travel is the freedom to change your plans on a whim. Things that made me feel comfortable traveling Europe solo was staying at chain hotels like a Hilton or a Marriott. I always recommend having paper print outs of your itinerary and all the tickets and reservations so that you have documents easily accessible in case something happens to your phone!

  2. Stay Connected - Keep in touch with friends and family back home. Share your itinerary and regularly update them on your whereabouts. It’s also a good idea to have a local SIM card or an international roaming plan to access maps, information, and communicate while on the go. I invested in quality extra battery packs. I carried one every single day! So I purchased two so I didn’t leave the hotel without a full battery pack. I felt confident traveling alone when I was easily connected to my mom! I also shared my location with multiple people via my iphone. I also had my apple watch and I fully bit the bullet and paid for an international plan because it made me feel most safe when traveling alone. This LINK takes you directly to the battery packs I use. Like I said I use these everywhere to make sure phone NEVER dies!

  3. Pack Light and Smart - When you’re your own pack mule, less is definitely more. Pack versatile clothing and essentials, and always leave room for souvenirs. Investing in a good quality, lightweight backpack or suitcase can make all the difference. I suggest developing a capsule wardrobe to wear while traveling so that you can change out pieces and they all go together. Shop my capsule wardrobe here for Europe in the fall!

  4. Safety First - Always prioritize your safety. Stay in well-reviewed accommodations, avoid risky areas, especially at night, and keep your belongings secure. Trust your instincts; if something doesn’t feel right, LEAVE! Be sure to check out all the safety features your phone has to offer. HERE you can read all about the features iphones and apple watches have!

  5. Embrace Local Culture - Solo travel is a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in new cultures. Be respectful and open-minded. Try local foods, participate in traditional activities, and take the time to learn from the locals. While in the Amalfi Coast we truly embraced the culture and enjoyed everything it had to offer. Read about my three days in Amalfi, HERE!

  6. Make New Friends - While the idea of solo travel might seem lonely, it’s actually a great way to meet new people. Stay in hostels, join group tours, or use social apps to meet fellow travelers and locals. The Girls Love Travel Facebook group is an amazing place to connect with other female solo travelers and maybe not feel so alone!

  7. Take Time for Yourself - Solo travel is as much about inner exploration as it is about seeing new places. Take time to reflect, write, or simply enjoy the moment. Don’t feel pressured to see and do everything. It’s ok to lay in the hotel room alone and order room service. It’s ok to sit at a coffee shop and people watch for hours. I enjoyed the same lunch three days in a row in Edinburgh because I liked it and was enjoying a warm comfort meal daily.

  8. Stay Confident and Assertive - Confidence can help ward off unwanted attention and make you feel more secure. Walk with purpose, even if you’re lost. It’s okay to say no firmly if you’re uncomfortable with a situation. When I was in London alone I opted for dinners in the hotel because I didn’t feel comfortable wandering the streets alone after dark. That was my comfort level. I felt good about that decision and was confident. I would wake up early and start my day to get all the things I wanted to get accomplished done!

  9. Keep Documents Secure - Always have a digital backup of important documents like your passport, visa, and insurance. Keep these copies accessible but secure, using cloud storage or email. I always print multiple copies of my passport and store them in a secure place in the room and I travel with my driver’s license, state ID card and my passport.

  10. Enjoy the Freedom - Solo travel is a unique opportunity to discover what you truly enjoy without having to compromise. Relish the freedom, make spontaneous decisions, and enjoy the adventure that awaits. Whether you are married, single, a mother or anything in between take this time to truly embrace the freedom.

Solo travel is a rewarding challenge that can enrich your life in countless ways. With these tips in mind, you're well on your way to having an unforgettable journey, full of new experiences, friendships, and personal growth.

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