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Hospital Packing List: Mom

Hospital Packing List: Mom

Mom, Dad and Baby makes three: what the heck do I bring to the hospital???

(scroll to the bottom to see some cuteness)

The New Mom: I made my packing list long before I had my son. I searched for hours and combined others packing lists. After it was determined I would be a planned c-section I did edit my list and I have since taken things off of my list that we did not need at the hospital. Now I do tell people we live about 12 minutes from our hospital and if we needed something any of our immediate family would be there for us. This was the list I came up with knowing what I know now that the Carbondale Hospital has. This hospital is the closest labor and delivery unit within about an hour of where we live. The hospital gave me a large cup that they kept full at all times to help keep me hydrated. Staying hydrated is key to helping you start your recovery.

Public showers kind of freak me out so I did pack shower shoes. I used a pair of flip flops I wear often so that I could pack them in my hospital bag so it was ready to go.

 We did pack an extension cord. Most hospitals have lots of plugins but they are all on one wall and you are typically needing to charge your phone or camera at some point.

 I just bought a basic robe from Target in a size bigger to be comfy. The one linked is the one I chose. It was neutral and it would be cute in both boy or girl baby pictures that were taken. It was helpful while learning to nurse so I could wear a nursing bra and have easy access to my new best friends.

I love this  Nursing bra style! The pullover nursing/sleep bras were my favorite for sleeping, nursing at the hospital and before baby was even born. I think this style was the most comfy bra I had for nursing.

My mother in law gave me a new pair black ugg slippers prior to delivery. My feet were a touch swollen but they were perfect for the hospital. I also brought a pair of tennis shoes with me to the hospital. I had read prior to my c-section that early mobilization aids the recovery from surgery. So I laced up my tennis shoes and I was doing laps of the hallway the first day. Ok it was two laps and I was in pain but I am glad I did now because I do think that help in my recovery. I also stayed on top of taking my pain medications every 6 hours and alternating with ibuprofen and the real stuff. After that spinal wore off I was WELL AWARE and needed the pain meds. Minimal amounts of the norco transfers into your milk so it is safe to take while breastfeeding. Take care of yourself mommas!

 Some people love the hospital gowns. I am not that person. I have worked in healthcare for awhile. I have seen how “clean” those gowns get. So because I had a c-section I knew I would be there multiple nights so I packed a nightgown and some pajama type clothes. I purchased this maternity nightgown from Gap and then had it monogrammed to be used in photos. It had several buttons down the front so I could usually pull out boob to nurse as needed. I still sleep in this nightgown because it is so comfortable.

My toiletry bag was the only the necessities. I am a smelly person in general so I stuck to my normal deodorant. I did not go for the all natural whatever they sell. I knew I needed the real deal. I also packed shampoo, conditioner and body soap. I also had my toothbrush and toothpaste. I know all about hospital acquired infections so I wanted to bathe as much as I could and as soon as I could following surgery. I also packed dry shampoo because I was extra sweaty and knew I would have to use that as well. I did bring a blow dryer just in case but to be honest I can’t even remember if I used it. I also back aquaphor. The hospital make sure there is no moisture in the air so that bacteria cannot grow therefore, you are super dry. I brought aquaphor in my toiletry bag to coat my lips with and my hands from cracking. Foundation/mascara—I literally only brought foundation and mascara. I knew we were having “fresh 48” photos taken at the hospital but I was not willing to put on a full face of makeup. These were the basics and could bring me to life for what we were doing.

Another weird nurse thing is that the hospital non-skid socks do not stay on well. If you want to not wear shoes and get out of bed you have to wear non-skid socks. The ones they supply fall off your feet and I hate the feeling of socks fall down. So I brought my pure barre grippy socks which you can order similar ones here.

BRING YOUR PILLOW from home for both you and your husband. My husband only got a reclining chair to sleep in. I needed 100 pillows to help prop me up and with breastfeeding. I am so glad we brought stuff from home. Carbondale OB unit is not that big but it was FULL to the brim and they had nothing extra and could not get Alex a different pull out bed chair.

I SWEAR BY THIS PRODUCT! Nipple cream—Nipple Butter for local moms in southern Illinois you can go to the store to purchase as linked above. For non local moms you can find here. Some people love the lanolin and that is ok. But this stuff save my nipples. I started used the day Elliott was born and just kept coating my nipples. They were sore for sure. But we did not crack and we did not bleed. That is a win in my book!

Big cotton panties like these linked. I know a lot of new moms prefer the hospital panties but I loved these and they were high waisted enough they did not sit on my incision and they were big enough for a large pad.

Blanqui Postpartum Leggings —> I tell all my friends to invest in these! They are worth every penny and I wish I would have 7 pairs to wear a new pair every single day! I wore these leggings home with just a basic button up shirt with a nursing tank and bra underneath. The leggings helped hold me together.

 We packed this Scout fold up bag to bring all of the extra stuff home in. People brought gifts to the hospital and we were given diapers, formula, gauze and wipes. We had to get this stuff home somehow so I am glad we pack and empty bag to bring stuff home in.       

I did not bring my breast pump to the hospital. I nursed while there to get the hang of it. You are able to borrow a pump if you want to start pumping at the hospital. They will bring you a pump and teach you how to do it. Do not let a nurse or lactation consultant bully you. If you want to pump there or use formula there advocate for yourself and do what is best for you. We are so hormonal and vulnerable in the moments after delivery they we forget sometimes what we want for our child. Stand your ground and discuss your wants prior to delivery with both your OB and your significant other. If everyone is aware of your wants things can go more smoothly.

The New Dad: I am a planner so I did pack for my hubby because that is just me and he would be like ummm I am cold. So I did ensure I packed his items as well.

  1. Sweatpants

  2. Jeans and a flannel because well pictures

  3. The basic male undergarments

  4. Quarter Zip

  5. Pillow/Blanket—reason why mentioned above

  6. Yeti Cup—gotta keep Dad hydrated so he can help around the clock

  7. camera and essential chargers

  8. Toiletry bag

Things we did not bring and did not wish we brought—we had a scheduled c-section. Our parents were able to bring us food and we had lots of visitors bringing us snacks and drinks. Any down time we did have I wanted to nap.

  1. snacks

  2. movies

  3. speaker

  4. computer

Stay tuned for the next packing list for your sweet newborn baby! If you have any questions please let me know!


Hospital Packing List: Baby

Hospital Packing List: Baby

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