
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures of being a mom while living my best life. Hope you have a nice stay!

Hospital Packing List: Baby

Hospital Packing List: Baby

What does this tiny human need at the hospital?

The answer is not much.

I will start with what I did not pack for E and my mom had to go my house to pick it up. I had her bring me the Halo Sleepsack/swaddle. Apparently my child was hulk baby and he could get out of every swaddle possible and he needed the velcro to hold him in place. Working in the NICU/CVICU setting I learned to love these swaddles and swear by them with newborns.

We did not pack his bottles. We did pack his pacifier. When we supplemented with formula I just used the pre-made bottle with a slow flow nipple at the hospital.

Since we did not know the sex of Elliott prior to delivery we did have a boy swaddle and a girl swaddle. We also had two different hats embroidered with both names we had chosen. We also had a going home outfit that was a white onesie and light grey sweatpants. Knowing if we had a girl my mom would have been at Dillard’s the next day buying everything newborn girl that they sold.

My friend Kellse gifted me a knotted gown that we used for his “fresh 48” photos. The material was so soft and really made our pictures that much more beautiful.

We used the layette shirts at the hospital and the baby blankets there as well.

I did bring my boppy pillow and cover to help with breastfeeding. I loved my covers from Pottery Barn Kids! We left our carseat in the car and when it was time to go my husband went and got it for us. I have said before we are from a small town so the walk to the parking lot from the Labor and Delivery floor was not too far.

Told y’all the list for baby was short and sweet! The hospital does help you out with feeling prepared with the supplies they provide. If y’all have any input or comments or questions please let me know! Would love to help you expectant mothers feel the most prepared!


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Hospital Packing List: Mom

Hospital Packing List: Mom