
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures of being a mom while living my best life. Hope you have a nice stay!

Vulnerability amongst "influencers"

Vulnerability amongst "influencers"

Vulnerability: Single Mom Edition

As an “influencer”, “blogger” or whatever you want to call me, there are always going to be people who tear you down. In this role you become vulnerable in turn to be relatable and help others cope. Vulnerability is a trait that most do not have. Sharing my life, triumphs, tribulations and more with the world is never easy. BUT I do so because maybe just maybe I can help one person feel a little less alone.

I know there will always be haters. There will be people who don’t like that I am vulnerable and can help others. They take that vulnerability and in turn use it to hurt you. They say nasty things about you. They take the truth and turn it against you. They don’t know your whole entire life and begin to make assumptions. And those people are likely just jealous. It sucks. It’s hurtful. It’s condescending. It is immature. I share my experiences with divorce, single mom struggles, my health and wellness to HELP my followers realize they are not alone in this world. Life is freaking hard. There is no doubt about that. I would never intentionally do anything to tear another woman down or say things to hurt them, but those people will always exist in this world and we just have to deal with it.

I know that I put myself out there and I share the real side of who I am as a woman. THERE IS SO MUCH POWER in VULNERABILITY but when people take advantage of it and use it to hurt you I have very little respect for you. I will continue to be true to myself and continue to be authentic. I plan to only go through life authentically because that is how I want to live my life!

Now you may not vibe with my content and that is ok. You don’t have to be here. You don’t have to celebrate with me or celebrate ME. You aren’t being forced to hang around. But I will continue to be authentic and TRUE to myself. I challenge you all to be authentic to who you are. Be accountable for your actions. Help others. Take the high road and continue looking forward to the future. The last few weeks the future of Caffeine until Cocktails has been up in the air if I am being honest. And I think the future of it is still uncertain. But for now I will continue to be me. Jessica, mom, mommy, CUC, caffeine until cocktails, Dr. Jessica. whatever it is the world wants to call me. And I will be ok.

Being vulnerable opens up a whole new world of mental health issues but I find writing and sharing my struggles to be therapeutic to me. There will always be people who want to cut you down and discredit your accomplishments but I will not let them get to me.

I will not allow the “haters” to get to me or change how I win the day. I hope this blog post finds you well. I hope my strength will possibly help one of you on your journey too.

They call it medieval thick: a body positive blog post

They call it medieval thick: a body positive blog post

Friday Reminder: A Guide to Self Care

Friday Reminder: A Guide to Self Care