
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures of being a mom while living my best life. Hope you have a nice stay!

Dear Elliott: 2nd Birthday

Dear Elliott: 2nd Birthday

Today you turn two. I don’t know where the last two years have went. I will start by saying I am sorry for the change and the world you are living in presently. You deserve everything and when we can’t do certain things I hate it that you do not get all of life’s experiences. Heck when you are more comfortable in a mask then most adults it breaks my heart. You and I spent four months together as stay at home life. We have been through the temper tantrums, a move, our first solo trip to Texas and now planning for your return to Florida.

You are running, jumping, learning new words daily and continue to amaze me with all that you can do. You love school and your puppies. You are the sweetest most dramatic little man I know. My wish for you is that in 2021 we are able to have new experiences, ditch the masks and make the most of our life. You deserve to all of life’s greatest moments and I won’t stop working until I make that happen.

Please always know you are my entire world. I make my decisions because you deserve all the happiness in the world. The present is the present but we will plan for the future. Your hugs and smile make my world go around. You laugh is contagious and I love seeing you interact with your cousins, grandparents and daddy. I love how much you love your people. You are not the best at sharing but heck what 2 year old is.

As we move into 2021, I am living by the phrase quality over quantity. My heart beats for you and I will embrace every minute I get with you. You have taught me more about myself than I ever thought possible. As you continue to grow and learn I look forward to all the adventures that will come our way. You are strong, courageous and loving. I can’t wait to see who you continue to become. Be kind. Be patient. Be YOU! Love you Elliott George.


they told me it would be terrible

they told me it would be terrible

Mental Health Check-In

Mental Health Check-In